How Much Should You Pay for Backlinks?

If you are looking for a simple way to improve your rankings and SEO, then you may be considering buying backlinks. However, there are some serious consequences to this decision.

Not only are you risking your site being blacklisted by Google, but you may also be costing yourself more than you would spend improving your product. Before you dive in, make sure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into.

If you are looking for a simple way to improve your rankings and SEO, then you may be considering buy SEO backlinks. However, there are some serious consequences to this decision.

Not only are you risking your site being blacklisted by Google, but you may also be costing yourself more than you would spend improving your product. Before you dive in, make sure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into.

First, the cost. You can buy backlinks for anywhere between $0 to $500 per month. This typically means you will spend $60-$500 a month to rank for keywords that convert well for you. However, you need to make sure that you’re paying for quality links.

If you’re just looking for a cheap way to gain traction, you may be better off purchasing ad space. Ads will pay for themselves in 1 to 2 months, and you won’t have to pay out of pocket for a backlink.

Regardless of what you do, make sure you don’t go overboard. If you’re going to buy them, then try to find backlinks that have been recommended by authoritative and trusted sites such as Niche Site Buyer. Do your research and find the best type of link that your brand needs. With that in mind, here’s a few ways to pay for backlinks.

The Back-Link from the Blogosphere

If you are trying to rank for a keyword that is targeted for a specific blog post or a series of blog posts, you need to be careful when choosing who to link to.

This is because you don’t want to link to your competitors, and you want to link to blogs with authority in your niche. An authority blog will have a high PageRank (PR), which means it will have a high search engine ranking.

Buy Blog Comments

If you want to earn more money, you can make money by commenting on other blogs. This is an easy way to make $100 to $150 a week.

Don’t just buy comments because it’s easy money. Make sure you’re commenting on blogs where you have an audience to read and comment. To be successful, you need to make sure you follow a proven strategy for commenting. For example, don’t just comment on posts where you can spam the comment section with bad links.

The best comments are from people that already have a following on blogs in your industry. In some cases, they may be seen as competitors. If you make a comment on those blogs, but you are not connected to that blog, you will be blacklisted by Google.